Book A Tee

The Book A Tee package is a fully scaleable online Tee Booking System for large and small golf clubs with or without the online payment gateway. The system was developed to fill a void for smaller clubs looking to move towards online tee bookings at a justifiable cost.

  • Easily create tee blocks for either competition, social or green fees.
  • Designed to be the simplest online system for your club members - young and old.
    ( no login required, just their name and their 3 to 4 digit member number and thats it )
  • Name each competition and display information for that day's play.
  • Add your club's green fee pricing as well as adding optional extras for both 9-hole and 18-hole bookings.
  • Mix and match tee block categories on the same day.
  • Quickly copy tee blocks from one day to another ( or many other ) day(s).
  • Print out the daily tee sheet.
  • Get a quick live snapshot of the number of players entered for the entire month.
  • Automatically keeps record of players who have played to cover the current Covid-19 requirements.
  • The Stripe Payment Gateway add-on allows for fully automated online payments at the time of booking.

Contact us now to setup your 30-day free trial - we will have you up and running in under 15 minutes.


Annual Fees

Book A Tee Subscription - $299/yr

This gives you access to all the standard functionality to allow your club to take online Tee Bookings.

Stripe Payment Gateway - $100/yr ( optional )

You can choose to add on the payment gateway to your base subscription at any time and take payments for tee bookings, tournaments and member renewals.

Contact Us

Owner and Developer
Vendi Golf Australia
p: 1300 836342

BOOKATEE is owned and operated by Vendi Golf Australia